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Streaming Profits Authority


Learn more about live video streaming, its possibilities & uses and the best strategies for finding & growing your audience. 

Internet marketing is constantly evolving and is in a state of permaflux. Every time you think you’ve figured out all the angles and settled into a new routine, Google changes its algorithms or new technologies come along and throw everything back into disarray. 

This is no bad thing however. In reality, it’s this constant changing and unravelling that ensures there are always new ways to beat the competition and to get to the top of the pile. Every time Google changes it’s algorithms, this reshuffling gives new websites the chance to climb to the top.

Likewise, every time a new technology comes along, it creates a whole new platform for small businesses and entrepreneurs to conquer before the big corporations get there with their advertising budgets. 

Technology is the great enabler for internet marketers and where there’s innovation, there’s opportunity.

So what’s the latest opportunity for internet marketers?

How can you get ahead of your competition right now and use your nimble agility to outmaneuver the bigger companies? 

Right now, the platform that offers perhaps the most opportunity, is video streaming.

It’s a concept that has been around for a long time but only now is it starting to grow into its full potential thanks to innovative new apps and savvy new marketing strategies. 

The big companies aren’t here yet, which means that internet marketers have an exciting opportunity to start making money through the platform.

It’s trendy, it’s hip and it has some unique features and possibilities that can help you to market your products in entirely new ways. At the same time, it is relatively simple to set up while still providing a lot of return. The only question? Where can you learn about such a new marketing platform?

Right here is where you will learn!

This package will give you an overview of the new technology and provide solid advice on how to monetize the new capability and power that you now have at your fingertips. 

The seller of such products will also be able to use this training package, as it offers a complete system to get started selling the product to your leads and targeted audiences that are anxious to get started themselves with live streaming. There are sales pages and other marketing materials that you can quickly edit and publish to get more leads and conversions.

Note that the license details we have for this product prohibits selling below a minimum price so the indicated price is what the charge is for this product. The coupons from the packages of download coupons we sell here DO NOT APPLY to this product.

Nonetheless, the amount we are asking is well below the market value of the product, and we are sure that you will be able to earn much more using the training your self, and you can sell the package on to others to recoup your expense.

There is an upsell package with this as well, meaning that you can set up a sales funnel with both for a lead magnet, the frint end (this product) and an upsell. All items complement one another and provide a congruent promotion offer to your prospects. 

Here is what you get with the Streaming Profits Authority training package:

Contents of training package

File License: Master Resell Rights
Introducing…Streaming Profits Authority…
Streaming Profits Authority – How To Use Live VideocStreaming Platforms To Reach Thousands of Viewers And Build an Epic Brand!
What you’ll discover in this eBook:
– The benefits and challenges of live video streaming
– The most prominent apps and platforms for getting set up
– Lesser known options for video streaming
– How to ensure you get lots of viewers
– Tons of ideas for video content
– How video streaming compares to regular video marketing
– Advantages and disadvantages of options
– How to create a synergistic campaign using other marketing activities
– How to create high quality videos without spending thousands of dollars on equipment
– How to monetize your streaming activities for maximum returns
– Where video streaming is going and what opportunities to look out for in future
And much, much more!

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